7 July 2024


Peace of the Lord to all.
For today's family worship, Sunday 7 July 2024, I feel in my heart to share with you a thought which has as its key verse:
Psalm 69:30 (NIV)

“I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving.”

In the depths of suffering, the psalmist finds the strength to praise God. Despite the adversity and injustice that surrounds him, he chooses not to let himself be overwhelmed by desperation, but to turn to the Lord with songs of praise and gratitude.
This verse offers us a powerful message of hope: even in the darkest situations, faith in God can illuminate our path and give us the strength to persevere. Praise, in this sense, becomes an act opposed to pain and negativity, a declaration of trust in the goodness and power of God.
Like the psalmist, we too face trials and difficulties in life. Moments when the weight of the world seems to crush us and hope falters. In these situations, it is easy to be overwhelmed by pessimism and distrust.
However, just as the psalmist found comfort and strength in praising God, we too can rediscover hope by turning our hearts to the Lord. Prayer and praise, even when spoken through tears, can lift our spirits and help us see beyond our present circumstances.
Praising God does not mean denying difficulties or pretending that everything is fine. On the contrary, it means recognizing his presence even in pain and finding in him the strength to move forward.

This morning together we want to turn to God and say to Him: Lord God, In this moment of difficulty, I turn to You with an afflicted heart. I thank you for the gift of life and all the blessings you have given me. I recognize that I am going through a difficult period, full of trials and suffering. At times, the weight of the pain seems unbearable and hope falters. However, I don't want to give in to despair. Deep in my heart, I know that You are with me and that You will never abandon me. For this reason, I raise my praise to you, even if through tears. I celebrate Your name, O Lord, and proclaim Your greatness. I believe in Your infinite love and Your mercy that has no boundaries. Please give me the strength to face difficulties with courage and to never lose hope. Help me transform my suffering into an opportunity to grow in faith and love for You. I trust in You, Lord, and I know You will never disappoint me. In the Name of Jesus... Amen!
With love, Ivano Salerno