31 July 2024


A good morning with the peace of the Lord to everyone. For today, Wednesday 31 July 2024, the thought that I felt in my heart to share with you has as its key verse:
Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV)

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Today's verse is a powerful and comforting invitation to all those who feel small, weak and scared in the face of life's challenges. Moses, about to leave the people of Israel, urges them not to fear, promising the constant presence of God.
This divine promise transcends the boundaries of time and space, addressing each of us. God is not a distant and abstract entity, but a traveling companion who walks alongside us. His presence is a bright beacon that illuminates the darkest paths and gives us the strength to face every obstacle.
What does it mean to be strong and courageous? It doesn't mean being invincible or fearless. Rather, it means recognizing our own fragilities and relying completely on the power of God. It is having the awareness that, even in the most difficult situations, we are not alone.
Why is it important not to fear? Fear paralyzes, preventing us from acting and living fully. God invites us to overcome fear, to believe in his goodness and mercy. When we face our fears with faith, we open the doors to hope and joy.
What is the meaning of the divine promise not to leave us or forsake us? It is an unconditional commitment of love. God is always present, even when we think we are alone. His loyalty is unshakable, and his love is greater than any circumstance.

Together we pray to the Lord telling him: God of love, we thank you for your constant presence in our lives. Thank you for being our refuge and our strength. Help us overcome every fear and walk courageously on your path. Give us the faith necessary to believe in your promises and the strength to face every challenge with serenity. We entrust our lives to you, knowing that you will always guide us towards the light.... In the name of Jesus, Amen!
With love, Ivano Salerno