29 July 2024


For today's "Bread from Heaven", Monday 22 July 2024, the thought I felt like sharing with you has as its key verse:
Hebrews 3:1 (NIV)

“Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, whom we acknowledge as our apostle and high priest.”

Today's verse invites us to look at Jesus, not only as the foundation of our faith, but also as the perfect example to follow. The author of the letter to the Hebrews exhorts us, as saints sharing a heavenly calling, to "consider Jesus". This Greek verb (κατανοέω, katanoéō) implies careful observation, deep introspection, an analysis that goes beyond the surface.
Who is Jesus for us? He is the apostle, the one who was sent by God to reveal the Father to us and bring the good news. He is the high priest, the intermediary between God and humanity, the one who offers the perfect sacrifice for our salvation. But it is also much more. Jesus is the perfect model of faith, obedience, love.
Why is it so important to fix our gaze on Him?
• First of all to renew our faith: When we feel discouraged or doubtful, looking to Jesus reminds us of the greatness of his love and power.
• Then to imitate his example: Jesus showed us how to live a life consecrated to God, even in the face of difficulties.
• Also to strengthen our hope: Knowing that Jesus has conquered sin and death, we can face the future with confidence.
Considering Jesus means:
• Meditate on his life: Reflect on his teachings, his miracles, his passion and resurrection.
• Imitate his virtues: Try to live as he lived, loving God and others.
• Rely on His grace: Recognize that we cannot do it alone and that we need His help.

Today we want to pray together and say: God the Father, we thank you for the priceless gift of your Son Jesus. Please help us to fix our eyes on Him, to meditate on his life and to imitate his example. Strengthen our faith, ignite in us the desire to follow you and give us the grace to persevere to the end. In the name of Jesus... Amen!
With love, Ivano Salerno