24 July 2024


A good morning with the peace of the Lord to everyone. For today, Wednesday 24 July 2024, the thought that I felt in my heart to share with you has as its key verse:
James 1:22 (NIV)

“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”

In his epistle, James offers us a direct challenge: not to simply listen to the Word of God, but to put it into practice. Like a reflection in the mirror, our faith is revealed in our actions, showing us our true image as Christians.
We often fall into the illusion of being "good Christians" because we are assiduous listeners of sermons and biblical readings. But faith is not just theory, it is concrete action. It's like a mirror: it's not enough to look at yourself, you have to translate the image into coherent gestures.
James compares our faith to a mirror. Like someone who looks in the mirror and then goes away forgetting how he looks, we too risk listening to the Word without internalizing it. True faith, however, remains imprinted, shaping our actions and influencing every aspect of our lives.
Faith is expressed in works of love and compassion towards others. It manifests itself in patience in the face of difficulties, in forgiveness towards those who have offended us, in the defense of the weakest. It is a constant commitment to live according to evangelical principles, not only in words but with concrete gestures.

Together we pray to the Lord, telling him: God of love, we ask you to give us the strength to not only be listeners of your Word, but to put it into practice faithfully. Help us transform our faith into concrete actions that reflect your love and compassion. Make us instruments of your will, capable of bringing your message of hope and love to the world.. ... In the name of Jesus, Amen!
With love, Ivano Salerno