19 May 2024


Peace of the Lord to all.
For today's family worship, Sunday 19 May 2024, I feel in my heart to share with you a thought which has as its key verse:
Psalm 59:17 (NIV)

“You are my strength, I sing praise to you; you, God, are my fortress, my God on whom I can rely.”

David praised God at all times. It didn't matter if he was surrounded by enemies on all sides or if he was in difficult family situations, his praise was always directed to God!
He praised God when he defeated Goliath. He praised God even when Saul persecuted him. Saul's attempts to kill him did not discourage his spirit of praise!
How could David praise God all the time?
The answer is very simple. David truly trusted in the Lord. As a shepherd, he experienced the power of God when he killed the lion and the bear. He knew that nothing was impossible with God by his side.
He praised God in the pastures where he grazed his flock. When he was crowned king of Israel, he brought that same praise to the palace from which he reigned.
The circumstances of his life changed but his praise remained constant.
God loves praise that comes from a sincere heart. This Sunday, let's give God all the praise and glory, regardless of our situation, because we praise a God who is bigger than our biggest problem!

This morning we want to turn to God together and say: Lord God, thank you for everything you do for me. I long to sing Your praises and sing Your name. In the Name of Jesus... Amen!
With love, Ivano Salerno