19 July 2024


I greet you with the peace of the Lord. Today, Friday 19 July 2024, the short message I want to convey to you is inspired by a verse that is written in:
Psalm 138:6 (NIV)

“Though the LORD is exalted, he looks kindly on the lowly”

In Psalm 138, the psalmist expresses his profound praise to God for his faithful love and saving power. In this context, verse 6 resonates with a note of particular beauty.
In this sentence, two images are contrasted: the exaltation of God and the humility of men. God is high, sublime, infinitely superior to any creature. Yet, despite his greatness, he does not disdain bending his gaze towards the humble, towards those who recognize themselves as small and in need of his help.
This apparent contradiction contains within itself the mystery of divine love. God, despite being infinitely great, is not a distant and inaccessible monarch. On the contrary, he is a loving father who takes care of his children.
Humility, therefore, is not an obstacle to meeting God, but rather the necessary condition for welcoming his grace. It is by recognizing our smallness and our need that we open ourselves to divine mercy.
The verse of Psalm 138 invites us to reflect on our relationship with God. Do we perhaps consider ourselves as autonomous and self-sufficient beings, or do we recognize our dependence on God and our need for his love?
Are we capable of welcoming divine mercy with humility and gratitude, or do we close ourselves in pride and self-sufficiency?
In a world that often exalts self-affirmation and strength, the message of Psalm 138 reminds us that true greatness is found in humility and openness to the gift of God.

Together we pray to the Lord telling him: God of heaven, we praise you for your immense greatness and power. You are the Creator of the universe, the Lord of everything. Yet, in your infinite love, you do not disdain looking towards us, small and fragile creatures. We thank you for your mercy that accompanies us every day of our lives. Help us to recognize our humility and to give ourselves the gift of your grace. Make us instruments of your love in the world, capable of welcoming and giving mercy in turn. In the name of Jesus... Amen!
With love, Ivano Salerno