18 July 2024


Peace of the Lord be to you. For today's "Bread from Heaven", Thursday 18 July 2024, I will read a passage that is written in the Word of God in:
Psalm 136:1 (NIV)

“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever.”

These words, taken from Psalm 136, resonate as a joyful invitation to praise God, to recognize and celebrate his infinite goodness that pours out upon us. An invitation that today takes on an even deeper meaning, if we consider it in the light of God's merciful love revealed in Jesus Christ.
Psalm 136 is a hymn of praise and thanksgiving that traces the history of salvation, celebrating the great saving acts carried out by God in favor of his people. With every divine action, the refrain "for his goodness endures forever" resonates like an incessant echo, underlining the immutable and inexhaustible nature of God's love.
But this Psalm does not limit itself to celebrating the past; it opens towards the future, inviting us to recognize the goodness of God even in our daily lives. Every day, in fact, is rich in gifts and blessings that we often take for granted, forgetting to express our thanks to God.
How, then, can we make the invitation of Psalm 136 resonate in our lives? How can we celebrate the eternal goodness of the Lord?
• By cultivating a grateful gaze: We learn to pay attention to the small and large wonders that surround us, recognizing them as signs of God's love. A starry sky, a sincere smile, a moment of unexpected joy: every moment can be an opportunity for thank the Lord.
• Praising God with sincerity: Praise is not just a duty, but a spontaneous expression of a grateful heart. Prayer, singing, gestures of love: every form of sincere praise is pleasing to the Lord and strengthens our bond with him.
• Trustingly entrusting ourselves to his goodness: Even in moments of difficulty and trial, we never doubt God's love. His goodness is eternal and overcomes all adversity.

Together we pray to the Lord telling him: God of heaven, we thank you for your infinite love, which manifests itself every day in our lives. Give us the grace to be able to recognize your gifts and celebrate you with joy and gratitude. Help us to never forget your goodness, even in times of trial, and to always have faith in your merciful love. In the name of Jesus... Amen!
With love, Ivano Salerno