14 July 2024


For today's family worship, Sunday 14 July 2024, I feel in my heart to share with you a thought which has as its key verse:
Psalm 95:1 (NIV)

“Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.”

Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.
Psalm 95 opens with a joyful invitation. This verse exhorts us to celebrate God with gratitude and fervor, recognizing Him as the source of all salvation and blessing.
Psalm 95 is a hymn of praise and worship that invites God's people to gather together to celebrate his greatness and power. The Lord is described as "the rock of our salvation", an image that evokes strength, stability and refuge. He is our safe shelter in an often uncertain and dangerous world.
The invitation to "sing with joy" emphasizes the joy and gratitude that must flow from our relationship with God. His salvation is an immense gift that cannot be taken lightly. We must celebrate it with enthusiasm and with all our hearts.
The Psalm also reminds us that God is the creator of all that exists. "The sea is his; he made it; his hands formed the earth" (Psalm 95:5). His power and majesty are manifested throughout creation.
How can we put this message into practice in our daily lives?
• Let's make time to praise God every day. We can do this through prayer, reading the Bible, singing, or simply taking a moment to reflect on his greatness and love for us.
• We celebrate the salvation that God has given us in Jesus Christ. Let us remember the sacrifice He made for us on the cross and live a grateful and obedient life.
• We recognize God as the creator and sustainer of all that exists. We appreciate the beauty of creation and live with a sense of responsibility towards our surroundings.

This morning we want to turn to God together and say: Lord God, we thank you for your immense greatness and for your infinite love. We praise you for your wonderful work of creation and for the salvation you have given in Jesus Christ. Help us to live a life worthy of your calling, celebrating you with joy and gratitude every day. Let our singing be a welcome offering in your presence and let our life be a testimony of your love and power. In the Name of Jesus... Amen!
With love, Ivano Salerno